We believe that the vast majority of doctors have a fundamental drive to help those patients that are most in need. A logical extension of this drive is to provide medical services to the Third World.

As such we have virtually all considered or even romanticised about volunteering in Africa or in a similar developing world situation. However, the realities of a busy practice and family life continually intervene so that only a very small minority of us ever actually make the journey.

The Twice the Doctor Foundation provides doctors with the vehicle to “virtually” make this important journey in an incredibly efficient and effective way. That’s why our motto is “using your head and your heart to really make a difference”.

In partnership with UNICEF and The Fred Hollows Foundation we have devised a way for you to volunteer in your own rooms /work place for a day per year (or more if you wish), see your own patients, donate the income from that day (about 0.5% of your annual income) and we will use those funds to employ/empower doctors and primary healthcare workers in Africa. 

Because of the enormous disparity in doctors wages between Australia and the Third World (a doctor in Africa gets about $12,000 pa and a nurse about $2,000 pa), your day of volunteering translates to about one month of a doctor’s services or six months of a nurse’s services in Africa.

That’s being effective and efficient. That is using both your head and your heart to really make a difference. So please grasp this opportunity to virtually volunteer and thereby fulfil a longheld ambition. You’ll help hundreds of the most needful patients in the world, boost your self esteem and inspire others in the profession to follow your lead.

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