Fantastic Idea!
Have always wanted to volunteer overseas but felt I would be better off working at home and donating my wage to amplify/leverage my time to provide more medical care.

Thank you for enabling me to do this.

Dr Sascha Saharov - General Practitioner

Fantastic initiative. Virtual volunteering enables my ‘first world’ haematology skills to actually be of practical assistance in Africa.

Dr Cecily Forsyth - Haematologist

Brilliant concept. Congratulations. To those working/ living in Africa – our thoughts are with you.

Dr Amanda Day - Paediatrician

Fantastic concept!

Dr William Munro - General Surgeon

Great idea and good use of resources. Thank you for thinking of this and putting it into action.

Dr Rahul Suri - GP

What an innovative and brilliant project! Delighted to be able to support.

Julie Donaldson - Supporter

A very worthwhile endeavour. The relative ease of committing a day of my work here toward the betterment of health care overseas, compared to delivering that in person, is one of the most amazing things about contributing to this.

Dr Abijheet - TandelAnaesthesiology

Great idea! Hope this continues to grow and long may we remember how privileged our medical services are here and not to forget about the wider world!

Dr Jane Senior - A & E Specialist

Could I please have my day’s pay donated to Fred Hollows because I donate to UNICEF already.Thank you for organising this, what a great idea!

Dr Jayashanki Perera - A & E Registrar

Wonderful initiative!

Dr Christina Norris - Geriatrics