A Letter To Colleagues

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for your support for the Twice The Doctor initiative and thank you for your continued patience in getting this important project off the ground.

This week we have contracted the web site designer who will build our website which will provide information about our initiative, our philosophy of effective volunteering, feedback from the field, means for expanding our support base etc. It will also facilitate the collection of funds and provide your tax deductible receipts.

Also this week with considerable expertise from Judith Fiander from Australian Philanthropic Services, the documents for forming the Twice The Doctor Foundation will be signed and submitted to the tax office. It will likely take another two months or so before the Foundation becomes a tax deductible entity and a similar period for the website to be fully functional. So again, thank you for your patience.

We will probably be requesting your contributions some time in late March. There are now nearly 300 doctors involved, about 90% of whom are from the Central Coast. The others are virtually all my NSW rheumatology colleagues who have responded in excellent numbers.

We are determined to make this project succeed and as you are aware, we have verbal expressions of support from a number of national and international companies. If any of you are particularly interested in helping to spread our message by giving talks to groups of doctors in other hospitals or at your college meetings, please let me know because this is the most important ingredient required for the next step of our project’s expansion which we hope to launch in January or early February. My request to speak to NSW rheumatologists at our recent annual meeting was most enthusiastically accepted. I suspect a similar request from you to your college would be equally well received. (I only spoke for approximately 20 minutes)

Finally, Seasons Greetings to all and lets remember that when we are working for the Third World, our First World problems disappear.

Rob Baume