$1 Million raised

Dear colleagues and supporters,

I am delighted to report that we have now achieved the significant milestone of 

                                    $ 1 MILLION  RAISED

I am immensely proud of my co-directors, medical colleagues and supporters for all their contributions over the years and hope one and all feel justly proud of their achievement.

As I have outlined and stressed in numerous newsletters over the years, this substantial sum does so much more where it is most needed in the developing world where it could easily translate to 100x the effect compared with medical costs and effect locally.

In terms of DALYs prevented, for those of you who have contributed a total of $10,000 over the last 10 years you could justifiably consider yourself to have doubled your impact as a medical care provider on this planet over this period.

This is not hard to believe when you consider that The Barbara May Foundation, one of our long-term partners, runs a hospital in Ethiopia that delivers 2600 babies and does 16000 clinic visits a year for just over $500,000. This information is totally up to date and direct from Dr Andrew Browning. Considering maternal and infant mortality and fistula rates without this facilities, just imagine the lives saved and the misery averted.

If you haven’t already contributed to this year’s effort. There is still time to “be part of the million dollar milestone” prior to the end of the financial year.

Regards to all

Rob Baume

On behalf of the Directors of Twice the Doctor Foundation

PS:  Just to remind one and all that our efforts do not go unappreciated, attached is a video from a couple of years back which some will have seen but I always love to see (as I hope you do) as it crystallises the effect of our efforts. We should, daily, be cognisant of the need and how we have helped.

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