You can help us make a difference – by spreading the word

Dear Colleagues,

Recently, I gave a feedback presentation at the NSW Rheumatology annual meeting. I believe it was well received. There were many already signed-on supporters in the audience. Gratifyingly, two of the senior rheumatologists, Mike Prowse and Mark Arnold have volunteered to give similar presentations at Grand Rounds at their respective hospitals.

As you know, we seem to get quite a lot of media interest for our efforts but in reality my co-directors and I have found that the only way that we get regular sign-ons in significant numbers is by doctors giving brief, (sometimes only 5- 10 minute) talks to their colleagues. This is why we are particularly grateful to Mike and Mark.

If anyone else, junior or senior would like to give a brief talk to their colleagues – please let me know. We can send you a complete PowerPoint presentation or a short abbreviated version taking about 10 to 15 minutes to present. In addition, I would be happy to train any potential presenter and would consider even being at the presentation if required.

In the interim, here is some feedback I received recently from Sierra Leone.

Don’t for a minute think that your contributions are unappreciated!

  1. You will note that we have not sent you any hard copy newsletters with glossy photos. We endeavour to keep administration costs down. Further, all administration costs of the TTD foundation are paid for by donations from the directors.

Regards to all and season’s greetings.

Rob Baume

On behalf of the Directors of the Twice the Doctor Foundation